
Truth Initiative: Outsmart Nicotine


Outsmart Nicotine

Quitting nicotine is already pretty f***ing hard, but some people still quit the hard way—going cold turkey, quitting solo, and trying all sorts of wacky quit hacks. So we created Outsmart Nicotine, the latest campaign for Truth Initiative that helps people quit smarter, not harder—with science and support through Ex Program.

We launched with ‘You Got This’, a film about the first day of someone’s quit journey…


We also had some fun with real quit hacks to introduce a real solution that works.

We even started Ex Program’s social presence from scratch, to meet Gen Z where they are.
I learned the only way to ‘do social’ is to give young people the keys and move out of the way.

Creatives: Sal Romano, Stephen Kingslow, Brian Marcolini, Matt DeMilner, Alex O’Conor, Jungmin Kim, Seth Bracknell
CD: Rachel Reno GCD: Dennis Kung ECD: Brad Jones Producers: Holly Fisher, Saliyl Dodson, Casey Mattis
Account: Brian Ivory, Maya Villiers, Jordan Middendorf Strategy: Ryan McDaid, Nitin Dua, Joe Day, Chloe Sherman, Kenneth Fojas
Director: Brendt Lewis Music: Sonic Union